Custom Neon Signs

Why Neon Signs Are Still Popular and Relevant

Custom Neon Signs

Why Neon Signs Are Still Popular and Relevant

For almost a century, neon lights have remained popular and relevant, even with the rise of modern LED lighting technology. With their vibrant colors and unique glow, neon lights have the power to catch the eye of and attract customers to your business. Understanding why neon lights are still an effective way to complement your existing signage and draw attention to your brand can boost your overall marketing and branding strategy. Our Service Pro Sign Solutions team explores in our latest blog post why neon lights are still popular and relevant and how businesses in New York City and New Jersey can leverage them to improve visibility and attract customers.

  Custom Neon Signs

1. Unique and Eye-Catching

Neon lights are unique and eye-catching by nature. They produce a warm and inviting glow that is easy to see even from a distance. As a result, they can be an effective way to catch the attention of potential customers and increase foot traffic to your business. Custom neon signs are excellent for retail stores, restaurants, and special events because they add a touch of personality to your storefront and can convey your brand’s message creatively and engagingly.

2. Versatile and Customizable

One of the advantages of neon signage is its versatility and customization ability. We can create designs, shapes, and colors to fit your brand’s unique style and aesthetic. With customizable neon lights, you can create something unique and memorable for your customers to remember your brand. From incorporating your logo to creating custom messages, our neon signage solutions can adapt to any brand identity and marketing strategy.

Custom Neon Signs

3. Cost-Effective and Long-Lasting

Modern technology has made neon lighting more affordable without any sacrifice to maintain its longevity. Depending on your design and scope, the cost may be higher than traditional signage options. Still, the return on investment frequently makes it an attractive investment.

4. Works Great with Existing Signage

Neon signs don’t have to be your business’s primary signage. They also work great when paired with other existing signage options. For instance, neon lights can accentuate and highlight specific storefront areas, such as your marquee or entrance area. Business owners can use neon lights to complement LED signs and billboards as they can be more eye-catching and unique.

Custom Neon Signs

5. Creates a Memorable Brand Identity

Finally, neon signs can create a memorable brand identity and help customers remember your brand long after they have left your storefront. With their unique and iconic visual appeal, neon lights can create a sense of nostalgia and brand recognition that is hard to achieve with other forms of advertising.

Custom Neon Signs

Neon lights are still a popular and relevant business signage solution. Their vibrant colors, unique glow, versatility, durability, customizability, and cost-effectiveness make them an excellent investment for retail stores, restaurants, and special events. Combined with other signage options, they can create a comprehensive and memorable brand identity that will leave a lasting impact on customers.

Consider investing in neon lights to complement your existing signage strategy to stand out from the competition and improve your visibility. If you are a business in New York City or NJ and are interested in our signage solutions, including neon signs, consult our Service Pro Sign Solutions professionals to plan and design signage that helps your business stand out while building brand recognition!